Being of Native Ancestry, I was born into a family of healers. I was mentored by my grandmother and uncle who instilled in me the importance of heart. As I matured into my own, I was introduced into a deeper understanding of metaphysics. As I worked through my own personal issues, I awakened into my own healing abilities. While on my journey, I realized my path was to teach others awaken to their own abilities. Christine is still available to do Wire Wrap custom orders and the usual services provided in the shop. We hope to connect to all our wonderful customers that frequent our shop.
We welcome any questions. You can contact Christine for any information concerning local services or any questions with the e-mail provided.
Take a look at our image gallery to view some of the items we currently have available now for purchase. As we will be adding items. So if you dont see what you want or need. Check back as we are curently working on uploading merchandise.
Or you can e-mail us with the email provided for any requests.